Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"God give me the strength..."

It really doesn't take much strength to accept what "God" ("The Universe", "Life", etc) puts before us...unless of course, we want it to different than what is! BobbyM

Friday, June 19, 2009

Pay attention to nature, live in the moment...

If we could live our lives like "nature" itself, how much simpler and fuller (and less stressful) life would be. The spider for example, will repair his web many, many times...doing what needs to be done in the moment...seemingly quite undisturbed by the whole thing. However if damaged enough times, he will move his web to a new location...he may be a spider, but he's not stupid!! BobbyM


The "mind" seems to constantly be looking for that next "road map" (person, place,, program, seminar, guru, etc.) that "it" must have before it will guide us to the place...we never left! BobbyM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The "Mind" builds with sand...

The "mind" is constantly trying to build a solid foundation, in our lives, from the ever-shifting, always-changing sands of thought...the only true foundation is that which never changes, never moves...that is what we are...and even more than that, is what we TRULY are. BobbyM

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Place Of It's Own

I've decided that it would be less complicated and confusing if I would just separate my two areas of interest. So, information on The Sedona Method and "words of wisdom" will continue to appear on the "Let it go" blog...and the Health and Fitness information will now be found by clicking on the "Bobby M's Health and Fitness Blog" Link. This way you can check in to find updated and new information on your area of specific interest. Hope this works as well for all of you as it does for me. See ya' soon!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

BobbyM Presents the "Let it go" Thought of the Day

The "Universe" has a great sense of hid all that we seek in the one place we seldom, if ever, think to look..."NOW"! BobbyM

Starting a Sedona Method Releasing Group

I am in process of starting a Sedona Method Releasing Group in my area (Lexington, N.C.). The Releasing Group will help those already involved in The Sedona Method deepen their releasing process, as well provide an introductory level understanding for those interested in finding out more about The Sedona Method.

On a personal level, I have completed the following:

(1) The Sedona Method Book
(2) The Sedona Method Course, including:
(a) Effortless Wealth and Success
(b) Effortless Health and Well-being
(c) And Effortless Relationships
(3) The Effortless Creation Program
(4) Both Holistic Releasing Programs
(5) Happiness is Free book
(6) The Inner Circle Retreat Programs 1-4
(7) Attended a 7-Day Retreat
(8) Attended a 9-Day Retreat
(9) Graduated from The Sedona Method Coach Level-1 Training
(10) Graduated from The Sedona Method Coach Level-2 Training

I am also making myself available for One-On-One Sedona Method Releasing Facilitation in person, over the phone, or via Skype (check out the link, and my skype address is bobby.morrow1). You may contact me via my email about for information on that, and those interested finding out more about the Sedona Method may check out the link at the top of the page.